Keeping critical information handy with Notes

Why use notes?

As a custom installer, your job is to make your customers happy. However, you can lose a lot of ground if you or one of your techs forgets a key piece of information about the client's preferences. Whether it's losing the passcode to their gated community or ringing the doorbell during the baby's nap time, one bad experience can kill a lot of goodwill.

Avoid these problems by taking quality, useful notes in OvrC.

Where are the notes kept?

Each location has a dedicated Notes tab, found at the right, next to the Client Services tab.

In addition, each device has its own dedicated Notes tab. Click on any device, and you'll see the Notes tab (in addition to the Details, Configure, and Activities tabs).

Getting the most out of the notes feature

1: Create a template

Decide which information your company wants to capture, then create a structure for that data so all your notes are consistent. You can create this template in any word processor.

You also need to create an online place to hold this information so everyone at your company can access it easily. The best option is to create a special location for your company in OvrC as follows:

  • If you haven't done so yet, claim your own company as an OvrC customer.

  • Click your company's OvrC entry. At the top right, click the Menumenu button, and select Edit.

  • Scroll down and click Add Location. Name the location "Notes Template".

  • Click Save.

If needed, you can add two locations, one each for business and residential templates.

2: Format and save the template

From your company's dashboard, click the More button.

Select the Notes Template location, then click the Notes tab.

Copy the template from your word processor and paste it into the text box.

OvrC copies the formatting from many word processors, but if you need to, you can format the text right in OvrC. The drop-down at the top sets text heads and subheads to organize things. The buttons format text similar to most word processors. You can make text bold, italic, underlined, make numbered or bulleted lists, or remove all formatting. You can even add a hotlink to your notes by selecting text, clicking the link button, and filling in the URL.

Click Save when your template is complete.

3: Train your staff

Of course, best practices only work if everyone uses them. Train your staff to use the Notes feature properly.

  • Whenever a new location gets added, go to the text from the template, select it all, and copy.

  • Navigate back to the location's notes page, paste the text, then fill in the information. For the best results, be sure everyone knows to add birthdays, pet names, and other such information as you learn them.

Repeat this for any device to which you add notes.

This simple procedure ensures that every location your company handles has all necessary information, as well as extra data that can be used to create that personal touch. This ensures that your techs never seem unprepared, even if they'vethey're never been to the site before.